In a bar in a dangerous district in Tokyo, a muscular man steps into a bar filled with gang members and proceeds to break a bottle over the heads of anyone dumb enough to attack him. Half way across the world in Brazil, an attractive and very busty young woman is locked in battle with a mercenary that wishes to win the underground fighting competition. Deep in an unknown jungle, a lone soldier fights off waves of enemy soldiers with but a handful of grenades and a machine gun while in space a fighter ship helps defend our planet. These scenarios are but a small taste of what you’ll expect from the compilation of classic games found in SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 for the PlayStation 2.

Anyone who has spent a great deal of time plunking down quarters into a Neo-Geo arcade cabinet will easily remember most of these classics while a few others that have long been forgotten will bring back some fond (as well as not-so fond) memories. The original Metal Slug will be one of these games you will remember fondly and it’s followed closely by the fighting game classic, The King of Fighters ‘94 as well as Fatal Fury. There are also a few games that have finally resurfaces such as Top Hunter, Shock Troopers and the forgotten King of the Monsters. Whether you like a fighting game, a shooter or even a sports game, this collection delivers the goods … 16 to be exact.

Source:PS2 Gamezone